Carmar Maritime Services successfully achieves CO2 emissions reduction goal of 72 Tonnes

Carmar Maritime Services has proudly accomplished its ambitious goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 72 tonnes of CO2-eq. within the first two years of operation by integrating natural gas trucks into its fleet in Palma de Mallorca. This significant milestone marks CARMAR’s commitment to sustainability, as it continues to prioritize efficiency and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from its operations.

By incorporating natural gas trucks into its fleet, CARMAR has taken a proactive step towards sustainable development. These vehicles offer a lower carbon footprint, emitting only 56 gCO2-eq/MJ compared to the 94 gCO2-eq/MJ emitted by diesel trucks (reference data from IIT-Comillas ICAI).

Looking ahead, CARMAR remains dedicated to further fleet renewal, striving for even greater efficiency and continuing to make a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By prioritizing sustainable practices, CARMAR sets an inspiring example for the industry and plays an active role in building a greener future.

Please feel free to contact Captain Peter Machado at for any technical stores and/or provisions required by your ships. PM3 and CARMAR would be happy to assist you with all your ship supplies and other requirements.

Keen to learn more about CARMAR Maritime Services, visit: